Wednesday, January 9, 2013

It Really IS a Wonderful World!

I'm not titling and writing this because anything great has happened in my life recently. I AM writing this because we need a reminder once in a while that there is more beauty and kindness than ugliness and nastiness.

What grabs the headlines nowadays is usually the bad stuff, the shocking things, stories that cause fear in the hardiest of mankind, natural disasters, scams, cheating politicians, etc. If you are a reporter, I would think that these are the kinds of stories your editor would want to hear. You need to "scoop" the competition, to get a few more details, a "better" angle, a more shocking fact.

Think for a second: if you were a visitor from outside the daily workings of this culture and world and your only source of information about what was happening in this day and age was the news on television and what you read online, what judgement would you pass? It would reason that you would view this world as a mean and horrible place. You would see mankind being bad to their own kind. You would see how a group of people pass judgement on others for having differing viewpoints. You would see nature being destroyed for yet another retail establishment.

Unfortunately, you would be correct. To a point. There is still an infinite beauty out there. Just think, there is a reason that this stuff is news. It is because it is the exception. The problem is, when that is all that is reported it weaves it's way into our psyche and messes with our perceptions. It makes us look at all politicians with a sideways glance. It makes you think your neighbor is growing pot and holding a captive in his basement. It makes you think that all corporations are greedy bastards that care nothing for the environment or their employees. It causes you to see all people from a different belief as terrorists and/or ignorant.

What a horrid way of living! We are, in essence, holed up in our homes/bunkers, unwilling to come up for a fresh breath of life. We don't want to meet our neighbors for a variety of reasons, we don't want to learn, objectively, about other cultures or religions, and we don't buy a product for a store because it may contain asbestos or lead or made with child labor (Disclaimer: it is always good to research items before purchasing).

I challenge you to get out, take a walk (bring a camera), meet a neighbor. Think for yourself. Don't let Fox news, CNN, or any other mainstream media make up your mind for you. In fact, turn it off, dust off your library card (or go apply for one, just bring in a utility bill with your address on it) and check out a few books. Go to the local second hand store and get some materials for an art project. Or to your local art supply store and get some cheap acrylics and a canvas and paint. Take photos and edit and print them.

...or build the Eiffel Tower in your front yard like the one I saw in Caldwell, ID the other day leaving a patient's home.

A while ago I decided to try and make my own paper, basically recycling old paper and making new stuff to one day make bind into journals as gifts. It was tons of fun! I've got to go find that stuff...

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